Sisters Bec and Mary are taking their fight against food waste to the Outback, joining OzHarvest Founder and CEO Ronni Kahn on the Bush Tucker Larapinta Challenge in 16 August 2018.
Both passionate, long-time supporters of OzHarvest - the two sisters have already raised $5,800 for the charity through various events from promoting it through their family business, to selling their daughters OzHarvest-themed yellow slime!
We’ve been really inspired by their creative fundraising efforts and hope you will be too.
Find out more about the OzHarvest Bush Tucker Larapinta
What inspired you to join the OzHarvest Bush Tucker Larapinta in 2018?
We are long-time supporters of OzHarvest. We know that all the money invested into this amazing charity goes to those who need it. Our relationship with OzHarvest has blossomed over the years and we have watched it grow exponentially due to the absolute love and passion that drives each and every paid and volunteer to help those in need. To give is to receive and this is such an important part of Ronni’s success hence why we have loved the ride with OzHarvest. Our children are also involved by holding cupcake stalls at home and donating the profits. They also participate in Cooking for a Cause in the school holidays, this is such an amazing way for them to get involved and see first had how they can make an impact.
Why is increasing awareness and reduce food waste important to you?
Growing up on a hobby farm we understand how much time and effort goes into growing produce. Our mum was a caterer, so we are lovers of food and eating, it was engrained in us to always use our leftovers to make another meal and not waste. We feel very concerned about our environmental impact and the consequences of our over consumption and plastic waste ending up in our natural environment.

How long have you been a supporter of OzHarvest for?
We have been with OzHarvest since it originated in 2004. We are avid fundraisers for this charity because we can see what a wonderful impact it has on the people who need help at their most vulnerable times. Marys’ Son Harry had a cupcake stall when he was 5 or 6 and made $200. He wrote a letter to Ronni and donated most of the money the following week. Ronni called him at home to personally thank him and let him know how his hard-earned money would be put to good use. This personal touch from Ronni has been a key to her success and has thoroughly engaged Harry in the amazing work that OzHarvest does. Harry is 17 now and was present at the premiere of Food Fighters. It was incredible for him to see the progress of OzHarvest and how much of an impact both in Australia and internationally Ronni has made.

What is it you are most looking forward to about walking on the Larapinta Trail?
We are looking forward to exploring our amazing country (so glad it’s all happening in our country and supporting our local community). We are looking forward to sharing stories around the campfire with Ronni and other supporters of OzHarvest, with us all having such a common drive to help those in need.
We all have such busy lives and taking some time out to reflect and recharge will be amazing.
What do you personally hope to get out of this challenge?
We are looking forward to trekking in one of the most beautiful parts of our country, along the way we hope to help raise more awareness and help those who need it most. We are looking forward to and completing the 70kms in a beautiful surrounding environment.

How much have you raised so far and what is your target? What type of fundraising activities and events have you been doing?
We have raised $5,878.40 with the support of our family, friends and patients at Castle Cove Family Dental
Raising Funds has involved:
- We are asking patients to add a few dollars onto their accounts or cash
- We have two OzHarvest Donation vans for donations
- Spread the word on our personal and business Facebook pages.
- Mary’s daughter has also been making yellow slime that we are selling at the surgery which has been a hit!
In the past:
- We have held community nights and invite OzHarvest to attend, have a presence and accept donations.
- Have OzHarvest as a main sponsor at our annual Spring Fair we hold every October, all money raised at this community event is donated to OzHarvest.
- Have OzHarvest donation vans in the surgery all year round at the front desk.
- Mary & Bec have done a City2Surf and Bridge Runs for OzHarvest.
We look forward to many more events to come!